Monday, January 5, 2015


So, my good friend Sarah tagged me for this...I'm usually not good at sharing emotions but here goes... (Btw Sarah I don't know who to tag. Lol. And I'm not posting the rules so if you want to see the rules and what Sarah wrote, click here)

1. Tell your story of how you came to see the movie(s), or got into Tolkien in the first place.
My dad has always loved these movies. He tried to show me a shortened cartoon version of all three when I was like 7 and I freaked out. I didn't want to watch them again for a long time, probably until I was 9. Then Dad showed us the Fellowship of the Ring, and I LOVED it. So then he showed us the rest of the movies, and I read the books, including half of the long history of middle earth.

2. Who are your favorite characters in the Hobbit Trilogy?

Eesshh...well. I used to think Fili, Kili, and Thorin were the best, but I like Tauriel too. I guess I'd have to stick with the Durins.

3. Did you cry in the Battle of the Five Armies, and if so, in what scene(s) and what type (sniffling, sobbing, choke crying)?

I didn't cry, but I did get teary eyed when Bard and Bain were on the tower with the black arrow. Surprisingly to myself I didn't cry during the deaths. I was just angry. When Fili died I was literally so angry that I was shaking very hard. My friend said she wondered if I was okay. After Fili died I kept shaking until the end. And just to be clear I usually don't cry in movies (except for Hachi), so I handled this well...and also the shaking was caused by muscle tension.

4. Were the deaths compelling to you, and if so, who's?

They were all compelling and equally as sad, except Fili's. His was by far the saddest. The reason for this is because his brother, Bilbo, Uncle Thorin, and another almost uncle Dwalin all witnessed it. Kili's was sad because of Tauriel, and Thorin's because of Bilbo. And may I add (totally off subject) but the acorn scene in Erebor????? Does anyone think that that is not okay besides me?

5. Over all, were you satisfied with the movie?

Yes in some ways and no in others. I think that they left out some key parts from the books, such as what happened to the gold, and what the heck with the worm things? You only saw them for like 3 seconds and then you never hear of them again. But after I get over those things, the movie was very well made.

6. Describe the movie in one word.


I suppose I only have like two people to tag (at the moment. I'll add others later)

Soldier of the King